Collaborative Care Everywhere.

SmallJoys helps primary and specialty care providers deliver integrated behavioral health services to their patients.

We help physician practices generate meaningful new revenue streams

Mission Statement

“Our mission is to integrate technology enabled behavorial health (BH) services with medical practices to expand services and deliver better patient outcome.”

Why Collaborative Care?

Patient Centric

Evidence Based

Measurement Focused

Revenue Generator

How does it work?

  • Screen every patient

    SmallJoys technology makes screening all of your patients easy, efficient, and accurate - in office or at home.

  • Enroll those in need

    Those patients with behavioral health needs are quickly scheduled for an intake session with a SmallJoys professional.

  • Monitor their progress

    SmallJoys provides its partners with dashboards that keep them up to date about each step in the patient's care.

  • Benefit your practice

    Integrating behavioral healthcare with SmallJoys enables holistic patient care and meaningful new revenue for partner practices

Get to know complete Collaborative Care Process

© 2024. Small Joys, Inc.

Our website services, content and products are for informational purposes only. SmallJoys does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment


72, Martin Drive, Harrington Park, NJ, 07640
